Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Adolf Hitler And World War II A Definitive Visual...

For my research project, I have chosen to investigate Adolf Hitler and how he came to despise the Jewish race. My thesis question for this project is â€Å"What lead to Hitler’s desire to exterminate the Jews in Europe?†. For this investigation, two sources that have been of help to me are both Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler and World War II: a definitive visual history by Alison Sturgeon. The book Mein Kampf is an original source document written by Adolf Hitler and translated by James Murphey. Mein Kampf was published in 1995 by Franz Eher Nachfolger in Germany. Adolf Hitler was the dictator of Germany from 1934-1945. The purpose of this book is the provide insight into Hitler’s first hand thoughts and to share them with the public. In the author’s notes in Mein Kampf, Hitler says the following†¦ â€Å"After years of uninterrupted labour it was now possible for the first time to begin a work which many had asked for and which I myself felt would be pro fitable for the Movement. So I decided to devote two volumes to a description not only of the aims of our Movement but also of its development. There is more to be learned from this than from any purely doctrinaire treatise.† Hitler wrote this book while incarcerated due to his attempt in overthrowing the German government in 1923. This source is valuable because it is a look into Hitler’s actual thoughts and this is important because my historical investigation requires a look into why Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews in Europe and

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